Social Justice Walrus

“SJW” is commonly used as a pejorative by the American right wing these days. According to Google Trends, the term “social justice warrior” was first used in August 2011, picked up steam in 2014 and 2015, and hit its peak (so far) in December 2016, the month after failed businessman Donald Trump was declared the winner of the American presidential election. “SJW” quickly followed as a recognized shorthand for “social justice warrior”.

Oddly, the American right wing acts as if it is a negative trait to support social justice, when social justice was developed as a concept and ambition by various religious organizations, including the Catholic Church, a number of Protestant faiths (that is, Christian faiths other than Catholic and Orthodox), Judaism, Islam, and the LDS Church. Usually we in the United States expect folks on the right wing of our politics to be supportive of things taught by a number of religions, at least in public. On this subject, however, their greed runs counter to the tenets of their faith, and apparently greed wins.

Social justice
The objective of creating a fair and equal society in which each individual matters, their rights are recognized and protected, and decisions are made in ways that are fair and honest.Oxford Reference

For Christians, which over 60% of Americans still claim to be, social justice is the material manifestation of the rules and expectations spelled out in their sacred text. For Muslims, it is consistent with the teachings of their Prophet, including obligations spelled out in their holy text. For Mormons, it is not just part of their teachings but an obligation which their local authorities can impose consequences for not contributing their efforts towards, at least toward fellow Mormons. For Jews, it’s part of both ancient and modern commentaries on the faith’s morality and expected behavior. For Wiccans, it is consistent with the Threefold Law which is above all other laws of the faith. For deists, atheists, and agnostics, it’s good moral guidance for being part of a stable society.

There is nothing about social justice which should make it offensive to anyone who isn’t a follower of Ayn Rand and her philosophy that greed is good, and the more powerful members of society should take all possible advantage of the less powerful because they can and because that can provide them with more of the power, money, land, or material wealth that their greed leads them to seek.

Social justice
a state or doctrine of egalitarianismMerriam-Webster Dictionary is committed to social justice. I believe that social justice warriors are the most relevant type of warriors for our time, and that it is an honor to be called one. I hope always to be worthy of that label.