Comment Policy

Our comment policy here at aims for simplicity and inclusion To that end, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines. Comments which do not follow them may be removed, edited, or rebutted, and commenters who do not follow them may be banned at any time at our discretion. Comments which break the law may be provided to law enforcement, along with any available user data. Thank you for your cooperation.

  1. Your first comment will be moderated as time allows. If your second breaks site rules, expect to be banned.
  2. Comments promoting other sites, services, or products are not allowed. One or two links to news, commentary, or other media are allowed when the content is relevant and the purpose is contributing to the conversation rather than promotion.
  3. Comments which promote hatred or violence, or which link to material promoting those are not allowed under any circumstances.
  4. Comments which contain ad hominem attacks (on the person rather than the substance of the comment) on or harassment of other commenters, site posters/authors or owners, or people other than established public personalities (politicians, generally famous people such as well-known actors, writers, athletes, musicians, etc.) are not allowed. Cussing is fine, but cussing out other commenters or posters or suggesting anyone should kill themselves or anyone here does not have value as a human being are not okay.
  5. Comments which contain stereotypes, microaggressions, or invalidations of people’s identities are not allowed, except as examples of what not to do, anecdotes of things you’ve experienced or observed, or in explanations of what these are and why they’re problematic. If you’re called out for these, apologize and reflect on why what you said was seen as problematic rather than making excuses or doubling down.
  6. Comments containing text or other materials with or advocating child sex abuse (CSE), including depictions not involving actual children, or violations of intellectual property (IP) law are not allowed.
  7. If you wouldn’t say it as a guest in my living room, or in a school, or in front of your grandmother, it probably doesn’t belong here.

Truth, justice, and the American walrus